

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Quick Prayer Request

Family and Friends,

Day 57 of our Adventure in Haiti!

This will be a quick update as we are preparing to host three important mission teams in January.  That is also what the prayer request is about.  Tonight we will possibly hear a new announcement about the presidential election in Haiti, and there is a good chance that the manifestations, or political riots, will begin again in response to that news.  We have a small team flying to Miami tonight and then into Port-au-Prince in the morning if the situation allows.  Please pray that they will be able to enter the country safely and travel to Ti-Rivier safely and on schedule.

We have Kiki in Port-au-Prince monitoring everything, so it isn't a case that the team won't know what they are getting into.  Also, American Airlines stops their flights if they don't feel good about what is going on, so those are two good safeguards in place when these things happen.

Thanks so much for joining us in prayer!

I am sending out a newsletter to everyone on our email database which contains a brief summary of our adventures in 2010 and our financial contributions.  If you are not on that list and would like to receive occassional newsletters and other prayer updates, please send an email to requesting to be added.

Enjoy your adventure for Jesus today!
-The Grimms

ps.  Be sure to take a careful look at our new photo on the top of the blog!  You can see Alexandra walking on Paradise Island looking for seashells.  Don't miss how you can see her reflection and her shadow at the same time, yet she isn't leaving any footprints as she walks the narrow wet strip between the ocean and the dry sand.  Pretty cool living in Haiti!

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