

Monday, January 24, 2011

Little Snapshots

Playing in the clubhouse...having a tea party with graham cracker soup
 Family and Friends,

Day 77 of our Haiti Adventure!

Everyday life goes by in a flash, whether you live in Haiti or the US or somewhere else, and all we are left with are little snapshots...the memories that for some reason stick with us for a few days, a few years, or forever.  Lately I (Cory) have been seeing many interesting things for the first time and taking little mental snapshots.  I have also been trying to see life down here through the eyes of my kids, and I have been wondering what they will remember from these early days in Haiti.

Here are some interesting, funny snapshots:

1.  A boy pulling a toy car through the streets by a string.  Upon closer inspection I discovered that the car was an empty quart of oil, and the wheels were four oil quart lids.  How creative!

2.  Ten kids running through the streets led by one kid with a long, thin string attached to the tail of a dragonfly.  The dragonfly would fly up into a tree or land on a bush.  Then the kids would pull him back, let him go, and chase him some more.

3.  One man on a motorcycle with his leg outstretched and his foot pushing another man on a motorcycle.

4.  A man carrying a pig on a motorcycle.

5.  A man carrying a mattress on a motorcycle.

6.  A man dragging about a ton of re-bar on a motorcycle.

7.  A house under construction with a cornfield inside the walls.

8.  Alexandra pushing Elyse (who is 6 foot 5 or so) on a baby swing and telling him, "I'm your mommy!"

9.  Elizabeth (our kindergartener) reading in English to several Haitian children.

10.  All three kids totally engrossed in a big game of UNO with the youth group boys. 

These are just a few of the many snapshots from our days down here in Haiti.  We feel a little more adjusted to life here each day, though we long for the day when we will have our own home to live in.  After examining the new compound this afternoon I can say that it won't be so long until that becomes a reality!  They are really working over there. 

Well, the team will be here soon and we better be ready.  A large team is arriving today from New Life Reformed, Sioux Center, Ia.  Please pray for them and us and the people of Haiti whom we will hopefully impact this week.  Pray that God will move in powerful ways. 

Hope your adventure is an amzing one today!

-The Grimms


  1. We love seeing pictures of the kids. It looks like they're having lots of fun.

  2. I love picturing all those things you posted...especially Elise being pushed by your little girl on the swing. 2 weeks from today I'll be in Haiti. Can't wait.
