Alexandra with friends "Rufus" & "Ziggy" |
Homeschooling continues to go well. We are amazed at how the kids are learning every day and doing a great job of accepting this new arrangement. We continue to try to sell the house, though on Saturday we had an open house with no one in attendance! Nevertheless, we trust God will help us with this need in His perfect timing. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. We re-listed the home on craiglist, and we are preparing for another open house this Saturday, 2-4pm.
As for upcoming trips, the first will leave this Sunday (Sept. 12) and we are privileged to be taking a doctor and other medical staff down to serve the people. The main goal of this trip will be to target the sickest of the sick, so to speak. We will do whatever it takes to find these people and give them medical attention, including hiking to their homes or carrying them out of the mountains if necessary. It should be an adventure. As mentioned before, we with gather at night for worship and prayer and Bible study with the youth group.
On October 3 I will lead another team into Haiti. I use the word "lead" loosely, because many on this team are seasoned Mission Haiti veterans. It will be a great time of ministry and also a chance to do some preparation for our family to move down there. After returning from that trip we will focus on packing and moving.
We hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. God Bless!
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