

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Prayer Requests

Family and Friends,

Day 128 of our Haiti Adventure!

For those of you who pray for us and the people of Haiti, we wanted to update the list and give you a few things to include on your prayer list this week:

1. Upcoming Election- On March 20th the people of Haiti will finally vote to decide between the two remaining candidates for president. After that the result will come in April and the change of power in May, Lord willing. There is a high probability of political unrest in the next two months. Please pray for this process and for a good president to emerge. 

2. Antoine’s Wedding- Antoine is a great guy who works with us. He lives in Ti-Rivier and formerly lived in the US for 26 years. He is getting married to a local girl on March 26th. Please pray for the wedding and for their marriage.

3. Small Team Coming- Actually it isn’t really a mission team in the normal sense. Mike and a few others are coming for Antoine’s wedding. Please pray for their safety as they travel on March 25th and after.

4. Health- It seems like half the people are sick around here. We have been hit really hard, and so have many of our friends. My (Cory) health continues to be up and down each day, so we’ll see what happens. Please pray.

5. Construction Projects- Right now there is construction at the new orphanage compound, the new ocean property, two of the schools, and several houses. Please pray for these buildings to be finished well and to be used for the glory of God.

6. Grimm Family Summer Plans- We plan to be back in the US this summer, visiting family and friends and speaking at churches. Right now we haven’t lined up very many opportunities to share about Haiti and/or raise missionary support. Please pray that more doors will open, or that God will provide in other ways. Also pray that it will be a restful summer, preparing us to return for a busy time this Fall.

7. Youth Group- We are working hard to build up the youth group when teams are not here. When Pam and the mission teams come, usually a lot of young people show up to youth group. When they are not here, we typically have bad attendance. Please pray that God will give more students the hunger to know Him through His Word.

8. PRAISE: Missionary Support- After a rough January our financial support was strong in February. Praise God!  Please pray for this area of our work.

9. Protection and Safety- Everything we do here has a certain amount of risk to it, whether traveling on motorcycles and tap-taps or entering spiritually hostile places to share Christ. We are always at risk from spiritual attacks as well as the everyday dangers of life. Please pray for safety and for spiritual protection from God and his angels.

May your Adventure be bathed in prayer!
-Grimm Family Adventurers

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