

Friday, February 25, 2011

A few pictures of the kids

Family and Friends,

Day 109 of our Haiti Adventure!

Please enjoy a few pictures of what the kids have been up to.  As we have mentioned before, it is very difficult to load pictures on the internet from Haiti, so we apologize for not having more of them.  But we will continue to try because as they say, "A picture is worth a thousand words."  Or, as a Haitian friend told me recently, "If you show a picture you don't have to talk so much."  People have a way of getting right to the point here. 

The kids have adjusted well to life in Haiti as you can see.  Sometimes they help with the laundry...

Alexandra has a little crush on one of the youth guys, Bernard.  She likes to give him notes that she writes.  Unfortunately, she hasn't yet drummed up the courage to actually look him in the face or talk to him.

Sometimes the kids accompany us on home visits.  The people here are very hospitable.  They always offer coconut water or other treats.  They love to have us sit for awhile and talk.

Well, that is all we have time to show for now.  Thanks as always to everyone who reads this blog and remembers us in your prayers.  We truly appreciate it!

Live out your Adventure to the fullest today!
-The Grimm Family Adventurers


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It is so good seeing pictures of the kids looking happy. They'll have lots of stories to tell about their experiences!
